Friday, April 27, 2012

Pentagon policy on sexual assault not enough

I believe that illegal aliens should not be allowed to stay in the United States for many reasons. People refer to immigrants as "illegal aliens", but immigrants are people that come to a certain place to find a new life. Immigrants follow the law, however, illegal aliens are people that migrate to other countries and believe that they are above the law. Illegal aliens are not concerned with the well being of society, instead they only care about themselves and how they can benefit from the land. I believe that we should take a stand, but i also believe that we should allow immigrants to come to the U.S. if they follow procedures and follow the law of the land. Arizona has already taken then first step by requesting individual state immigration laws, the New York Times stated: "Indeed, it's hard to make the case that states and cities should have no right to protect themselves from the consequences of federal inaction. States can't negate federal laws, but there are productive ways for them to cooperate with federal authorities, particularly in the workplace, because jobs are the main magnet that draws illegal immigrants here"(AZ immigration law might be legal, but not smart). I believe that each state should have their own immigration laws, because some states don't mind illegal immigrants while other do. However, I understand why this topic is controversial because states want individual power while the government believe that this would invade federal lawImmigration is not bad, but people that ignore our societies rules will not be unpunished. Throughout the editorial, the writer brings up solid evidence and and backs their claim very well. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Response: Contraception Controversy (blog stage 6)

Contraception Controversy

I agree with you Christy, I think the new law taking effect on August 1 2012 will help young teens. However, I understand why the Catholic Church is against free contraception. The Catholic Church believes that this will tempt young teens to have sex before marriage and of course, that is a very serious sin. However, in Obama team defends birth control policy Obama stated "No individual health care provider will be forced to prescribe contraception: The president and this administration have previously and continue to express strong support for existing conscience protections. For example, no Catholic doctor is forced to write a prescription for contraception". Teens in our generation are getting more comfortable about sex, but I believe that you should be protected at all times. With the new contraception law, the teen pregnancy rate should decline. I believe in the saying " better safe then sorry", sex is no longer considered the same as it was before. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Health care for everyone!!!

Health insurance is used when people suddenly get sick, have an emergency and have to visit the hospital, or for any other emergency. Health care is not required, but it is recommended because it is responsible and helps us when we are in an emergency. In the article Health care, yes.Broccoli,no, " Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to point out the rationale behind the individual mandate: "The people who don't participate in (the health insurance) market are making it much more expensive for the people who do", which brings up a good issue. Should the government require everyone to have health insurance or is that against our individual rights? In Health care, yes.Broccoli,no the writer states how required health care would be expensive at first, but the prices would eventually go down if everyone contributed and got health insurance. This policy has been used in seven other states; which led to lower health care premiums. The seven states also had no problems and the government was able to tax everyone because everyone had health care and it was fair. The writer was fairly creditable because he/she editorial was clear and the editorial was well written, and he/she also had good facts to support their topic. The government doesn't want to force everyone to get health insurance, but requiring health insurance would lower prices and also keep everyone financially safe during emergencies. I feel as if health insurance should be one of American families top priority because you know what could happen.