Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Importance of Car industries

I came across an article called Auto bailout worked, candidates should admit it describing whether bailing out General Motors(GM) and Chrysler was a necessary. George W. Bush started the government bailout for GM and Chrysler in 2008, which was continued by Barack Obama. Many politicians disagreed with George W. Bush decision because they thought that the money could be used for better causes and that the car industry would not succeed. However, the rescue of GM and Chrysler had succeed and is now profitable. If the government had not bailed out GM and Chrysler, then every car in the U.S. would be imported from other nations. If every car was imported, then that would lead to money flowing out of the country and into foreign nations. In addition, many workers would have lost their jobs and the government would've had to pay for the workers benefits and much more. Politicians doubted whether this bailout would succeed or not, and they have just been proven wrong. According to this article, "Last year, GM sold more vehicles than any other automaker in the world... and the domestic auto industry as a whole has added 207,000 jobs since June 2009". The author of this article wanted the politicians to admit that George W. Bush and Barack Obama made the right decision. I also think that the author is credible because they provided solid statistics and good arguments about whether the bailout was worth it or not. In the end, what the author said is true because GM and Chrysler are back on there feet and the company will remain profitable.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Same Sex Marriage okay or not okay?

I read an article from USA Today that was published February 9, 2012 called California same-sex marriage ruling tied in knots. The article stated that same sex marriage in California would be void, but not completely. For example, "Same-sex couples cannot marry, but they also cannot be deprived of any of the rights and privileges the state bestows on married couples", but law allowed the 18,000 people that were already married to stay married. This new decision will not hold, because California cannot please both religious and civil groups. The article gave possible ideas to please both religious and civil sides. One idea was to have marriage for all, and this meant that the church would decide whether to marry same sex or refuse them completely. However, I think this would just separate one church from another, and led to problems between churches. I think that the author intended this article to be for everyone to see because it has always been a sensitive subject and everyone has his or her own opinion about this topic. I thought that the author was very credible because they seemed knowledgeable about the topic and gave possible solutions about gay marriage. The article was interesting because I never thought gay marriage would be so heated between religious and civil groups. In my own opinion, I think that gay marriage should be allowed. Why should we decide who can marry who? It is their own business and no one should have the right to decide for them. However, I can understand why religious groups are so against it. Same sex marriage is not allowed in the bible, but i believe that god made us unique in our own special way.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dont be a fool....... wrap your tool

Obama team defends birth control policy

         The Obama administration is currently "requiring religious employers to provide birth control through there insurance policy." The Administration is requiring the employers to have contraception in there insurance policys, but that doesn't mean anyone has to use it. The administration stated that no one will be forced to buy or use the contraception, and they also stated that the insurance is not covering any drugs that causes abortion. What's ironic is that the bible says, " You must be married before having sex." The Obama administration just want teens to be safe, and that means " dont be a fool, wrap your tool." Many religious and political leaders believe that the administration is violating the rights of the religious community. However, I think that it is better to be safe then sorry. Sex before marriage is not okay, but being pregnant and not being married is so much worse. This article is definitely worth reading because it reaches out to the younger crowd.