Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dont be a fool....... wrap your tool

Obama team defends birth control policy

         The Obama administration is currently "requiring religious employers to provide birth control through there insurance policy." The Administration is requiring the employers to have contraception in there insurance policys, but that doesn't mean anyone has to use it. The administration stated that no one will be forced to buy or use the contraception, and they also stated that the insurance is not covering any drugs that causes abortion. What's ironic is that the bible says, " You must be married before having sex." The Obama administration just want teens to be safe, and that means " dont be a fool, wrap your tool." Many religious and political leaders believe that the administration is violating the rights of the religious community. However, I think that it is better to be safe then sorry. Sex before marriage is not okay, but being pregnant and not being married is so much worse. This article is definitely worth reading because it reaches out to the younger crowd.

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